Baseline Study of Somalia Urban Resilience Project (SURP-II), Somalia
Funded by: World Bank and the Ministry of Public Works, Government of Somalia
Contracted by: AESA East Africa Limited
The SURP-II project seeks to strengthen institutional arrangements, including key management and resourcing capacities, which underpin municipal functionality and its relationships within the Somali Government, parastatal agencies, and external actors. The project has a Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) component, which is expected to benefit IDPs and other vulnerable groups, covering BRA, Garowe, and Baidoa by generating over 100,000 short-term employment days.
The key scope of the assignment includes (a) establishing a comprehensive project baseline to monitor progress and evaluate performance and impact for reconstructing and maintaining urban infrastructure in line with the project theory of change; and (b) capturing community perspectives, dynamics, and risks across economic and social dimensions, to serve as a reference point for the project.